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    Mixed Cotton Fabric Explosion Bundle & Bonus "Left Over's Anyone" Pattern

    ProductID: zZFx-1000
    $26.99 per bundle

    If you're like most quilters, you love to save every last scrap ...and we are no different! We have been making Fabric Explosion Bundles for years, and they are finally ready for you ... each weighs at least 3 lbs, and have tons of various fabrics and cuts inside. The minimum cut is a 2" square or a 1 1/2" x 4" strip, up to 8" wide cut.
    The general rule of thumb is that a yard fabric weighs 5oz, so these bundles have more than 9 yards!  

    Plus, what to do with each bundle? Well, each bundle includes the Bonus "Left-Over's Anyone" Pattern. Add your scraps to this quilt ... and before you know it, you'll have a gorgeous quilt from your favorite fabrics and those you've gathered, too! This is more like a Charm Quilt taken to the next level, and can be made any size.
    Please note - no returns on Fabric Explosion Bundles

    Theme: Quilts
    Fabric Type: 100% Cotton Quilting Fabric
    Item Tags: Quilting Fabric, Quilting, Fabric, Free Gift

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