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    New! Exclusive On-Point Dream Big TidePool Minky Quilt Kit - Includes Backing!

    ProductID: ZK-Dream-TidePool-Minky-On-Point
    $139.92 per quilt kit

    I know we all love those Dream Big Panels by Hoffman. Imagine how excited we were to find the Dream Big Print, along with 4 small flowers, on the most luxurious minky fabric ever! We just had to get something special just for you, and we think you'll agree -- I can't think of anything more Dreamy to wrap myself in - can you?

    This Dream Big Minky Kit (of course, the fabrics are by Shannon Fabrics - the only source for supreme minky!), includes all of the minky fabric you need to make this quilt which measures 70" square when finished. The soft-flannel binding is also included, and we've also got the 90" wide backing included as well!
    Item Tags: Luxurious Quilt Kits, Minkee Quilt Kits, Minky Quilts & Cuddle Quilts
    *Please Note - Layaway available on this item

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